Friday, March 15, 2013

The Leadership Grid

Just thought I would share another interesting leadership theory with you ... well it's was interesting to me at least :) LOL

If you rated your teams concern for people with a number between 1-9, 1 being the worst and 9 being the best, what would that number be? Write it down.

If you rated your teams concern for results with a number between 1-9, 1 being the worst and 9 being the best, what would that number be? Write it down.

This will give you a set of numbers #,# for example 4,7 or 6,6

Find the corresponding location on the following grid.

Interesting, right? Everyone will have a different opinion of where they land on this grid depending on their own personal experiences, thoughts and beliefs but it does provide a useful tool for measuring how your team is performing.

Ok, so here's a few of my quick thoughts on each style.
  • Impoverished Management: Neutral. Employees are often withdrawn. Not a good place to be...
  • Country-Club Management: Creates artificial harmony. Everything looks good from the outside looking in, but is anything really getting accomplished?
  • Authority-Compliance Management: Things are getting done, but often conflict is supressed and team members do not feel part of the group.
  • Middle-of-the-Road Management: There is compromise and bargaining. The team is on the right track, but not yet functioning to it's highest capacity.
  • Team Management: Ah... Mecca! What we all wish to attain someday :) There are strong relationships, effective problem solving, trust, commitment, accountability, high standards, etc. But interestingly this does not mean conflict free (perhaps a topic for another day...)
Where did your team land? Do you think that the leadership grid provides an accurate description of how your team is functioning? How can you work to improve that?