Thursday, January 17, 2013

Management vs. Leadership

In a department meeting a while back our Chief People Officer asked everyone in the room "Who here thinks they are a leader?" And to my surprise almost everyone in the room raised their hand (obviously I didn't)! I was thinking to myself "Wait a minute... I have no manager title and no group of employees I supervise, therefore how can I qualify myself as a leader?" However, as I looked around the room, I noticed that several of the people who did raise their hand were no different than me. So what was I missing?

I am lucky enough to have a great mentor at work and she encouraged me to think about that and with her encouragement, I enrolled in the Leadership Certificate at Red Deer College. What a great idea! These courses have really opened my eyes up to the idea that leadership and management are different and that I don't have to be a “manager” and have a fancy title to be a good leader. People can lead from any role within an organization.

What do you think the difference between management and leadership is? Here are some ideas loosely based on a discussion in the book "the 360 Degree Leader" by John C. Maxwell:

Management is:
-          A title given to someone
-          A process that must be followed
-          A formal chain of command
-          A position where the rules/policies/guidelines are laid out

Leadership is:
-          Something anyone can do, yet few people are good at
-          A process which is different for everyone based on their personal situation
-          Informal in nature
-          Has to be practiced and worked on, although some have more “natural” talent
-          Something that can take a long time to establish

This realization that management and leadership are different, was what they call an “ah-ha moment” for me! I don't think that I had ever seen management and leadership as separate things before. I used to think that the only way that I will ever grow is to get to the next level in my organization and become a manager; then I would learn how to be a leader. But based on this new information, I now know that I can work within the position that I have, which I love, to develop and use those leadership skills now, so that someday I will be prepared should I be lucky enough to have the chance to be a manager.

In this blog, I am going to be posting some updates on topics from the leadership certificate courses as well as interesting pieces from leadership books, and I am going to try and implement some of these lessons to my workplace and see how they fit “the real world”.

I hope you enjoy! Stay tuned…


  1. Great first post Kyra! I hope I can speak for others when I say that anyone who has had the pleasure of receiving training from you would definitely consider you a leader within our organization... I look forward to reading your future posts!

  2. Kyra, I love your ah-ha moment! I think you have opened up a great topic. All of us can indeed be leaders in our organization and we each approach it differently. Some people will be more vocal leaders but quiet leaders can also make huge impacts in the people around them. I have only been in a manager role for a year now but I've been lucky to have had the chance to lead others in different informal roles. My advice...learn as much as you can whilein those informal roles because it will help you out so much when you do get a formal management role!
