Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lewin's Leadership Styles

I recently learned that there are basically three different approaches or leadership styles.

1.    Authoritarian/Autocratic: Think of the Godfather. You work for him. He is the boss and you do what he tells you.
2.    Participative/Democratic: More Mufasa from Lion King. He offers clear guidance, but allows the tribe to have input and integrates their ideas and suggestions.
3.    Delegative/Laissez-Faire: Also called “Free-Reign”. When the leader leaves decisions up to the group.

Which one do you think you respond best to? Which one do you think you are? Which one do you think you should be?

Before we jump right to it, lets take a little look at the pros and cons of each.
Clear direction/
Little or no input from the group
Useful when timeliness is an issue
Followers become passive and do not take initiative
Good when the leader has more information or expertise
Can be seen as bossy or dictatorial

Less creative and sometimes poorer performance

Offers guidance
Followers are less productive
Allows for input from followers
Not very timely
Leaders retain final say

Higher quality outcomes

More creative, motivational & engaging

Group decision making
No clear guidance
Good when the followers are the experts
Least productive

Followers can become
aggressive, discontent or hostile

Sometimes responsibility for the outcome may default to the group

Immediately after learning about these styles my mind automatically went to that participative must be the best. But after some thought, maybe not... Can you imagine the military being run in a participative style? What a mess that would be. Obviously authoritarian fits that situation much better. Or, if by some strange twist of fate, I led a team a brain surgeons. Obviously they would have more expertise in the area of “brain surgeon-y” things than I do, not being a surgeon myself. I guess the moral of the story here is that leaders have to use all three leadership styles depending on the situation to be effective. They will likely have a natural tendency towards one and need to become for comfortable with the others to become the best leaders they can be.

To help you determine which style you tend to be check out:
PS. Mine was particpative, what was yours?


  1. There definitely needs to be a combination of the 3 styles of leadership. Where an effective leader excels is being able make a smooth transition between the different styles with sincerity. Being a sincere autocratic or participative leader involves really looking at what outcomes you are trying to attain. If you do not have clear expectations of where you are trying to lead people or what you are ultimately trying to accomplish, it is a guessing game and your followers will catch on to the insincerity or lack of direction. The transition between the 3 styles is key.

  2. Great point Jax! Being able to use the right style, at the right time, with the right intention is truly and art that I only hope to attain someday. Thanks for the insight :)

  3. Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership, is a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process.

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